Barefoot Shoes that match your Style
Liven up your casual style with Barebarics Axiom - Featuring an unmatched level of barefoot comfort, premium vegan materials and dynamic looks that suits various outfits. The stylish double lacing and lightweight feel will have you grabbing them more often than not.
Materials used
Sustainable and vegan materials with perfect colour stability, breathability and tear resistance were used in the production.首次試著赤足鞋,之前會擔心有扁平足加腳趾外翻症狀而適應唔到。著咗兩星期後,留意到著鞋會腳痛嘅時間延後咗,而且痛嘅程度都有明顯減輕。唯一覺得唔太理想係後踭足踝位有少少刮腳。
Barefoot Shoes that match your Style
Liven up your casual style with Barebarics Axiom - Featuring an unmatched level of barefoot comfort, premium vegan materials and dynamic looks that suits various outfits. The stylish double lacing and lightweight feel will have you grabbing them more often than not.
Materials used
Sustainable and vegan materials with perfect colour stability, breathability and tear resistance were used in the production.