
Being barefoot helps me to be in touch with the ground much more, improve my sensory function, activate the small muscles within it and being conscious of each step and having better performance and reducing ankle injuries on the court due to thousands of reps of walking each day.
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Barefoot living has hugely influenced my attitude to sports and breathing practices by reconnecting me with the natural way our bodies are designed to move and breathe. When I practice breathwork and bodyweight movement exercises, posture and alignment is crucial. Barefoot shoes play a crucial role in maintaining this alignment, as they allow the natural shape and feel of the foot giving a more authentic connection to the ground.
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嬋柔運動不用穿鞋子,都是赤足進行的。因為嬋柔運動很著重「抓地」,把雙腿力量從身體出發,一直延伸,順著地心吸力穿透地下,同時借地的阻力,把力量送回身體核心;透過打開腳板筋膜及延伸每一根腳趾,增加腳部活動空間和靈活度,同時刺激 腳板覆蓋的大量末梢神經、穴位,從而促進血液循環,改善新陳代謝,令全身回復平衡狀態,使人感覺更輕鬆、靈活。
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作為一個 Minimalist,學習與日俱減。很多時候,添加反成限制,Barehand 或 Barefoot 訓練領我回歸本質,得真正的自由。鞋過硬,過厚、前掌與足踝的高度差、鞋內前掌闊度及物料的柔韌度都會影響我們跑、跳、蹬腿和轉向的能力。赤足鞋提供最貼地和腳踏實地的體驗。
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