拇趾外翻和扁平足喺現今生活中,越來越常見‼️ 想幫自己減輕痛症,但無從入手?
由10 月 9 日起,barefoot asia 會舉辦恆常《扁平足及拇趾外翻工作坊》,提供一個免費學習機會,讓有興趣了解足部健康人士認識康復運動,幫助大家減輕由拇趾外翻和扁平足引起的痛症與壓力💥💥
導師: Thomas Mak - Strength and Conditioning Coach @tmtraining.snc
費用: 免費
日期: 每兩週一次,逢星期三(10 月 9 日起)
時間: 19:20-20:20
地點: barefoot asia 赤足鞋專門店 (尖沙咀金巴利道35號金巴利中心地庫)
活動流程 :
1: 簡介扁平足與拇趾外翻的成因
2: 改善痛症的有關訓練
3: 問答及講解
4: 認識與體驗赤足鞋
For someone who was hoping to learn a few technic in order to “self-help” on a daily basis, it certainly met my expectations. The only negative was it was at times a bit too noisy in the background, as there were people coming in and out to shop and the staff were doing their regular customer service, while the trainer was trying to talk over them, and it was also hard for us to listen to as well.
But really appreciate you guys hosting such workshop for free, it was exactly what I was trying to look for. Thank you!
拇趾外翻和扁平足喺現今生活中,越來越常見‼️ 想幫自己減輕痛症,但無從入手?
由10 月 9 日起,barefoot asia 會舉辦恆常《扁平足及拇趾外翻工作坊》,提供一個免費學習機會,讓有興趣了解足部健康人士認識康復運動,幫助大家減輕由拇趾外翻和扁平足引起的痛症與壓力💥💥
導師: Thomas Mak - Strength and Conditioning Coach @tmtraining.snc
費用: 免費
日期: 每兩週一次,逢星期三(10 月 9 日起)
時間: 19:20-20:20
地點: barefoot asia 赤足鞋專門店 (尖沙咀金巴利道35號金巴利中心地庫)
活動流程 :
1: 簡介扁平足與拇趾外翻的成因
2: 改善痛症的有關訓練
3: 問答及講解
4: 認識與體驗赤足鞋